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COVID-19 UPDATE - Effective March 16, 2020

The inevitable spread of the coronavirus is gaining the attention of everyone, and people are correctly asking questions.

Avanti is monitoring the situation on an hourly basis, gathering information from the World Health Organization, The US State department, and all our airline partners whose individual waiver programs we continue to follow.

Our primary focus is to address bookings scheduled to depart on or before April 30, 2020. Avanti will be providing your customers the option to rebook their travel plans through the end of 2021. Please note that this applies to all Avanti destinations. All bookings scheduled to departure on or before April 30, 2020 are eligible to receive a Land Future Travel Credit.

Once we have amended all March and April bookings, we will assess May travel with the goal to protect these bookings in the same way. Additionally, Avanti has amended our payment policy to allow your customers an extra 30 days to provide final payment. This will now be due at 45 days prior to departure.

Land Future Travel Credit Program

What is a Land Future Travel Credit (FTC)?

The very nature of FIT bookings is complex and Avanti Destinations works with thousands of vendors throughout the world to negotiate the best terms for you and your customers. To simplify the process of obtaining a Future Travel Credit (FTC), Avanti will convert the entire Land portion of the itinerary (hotel, transfers, sightseeing activities, rail tickets, and car rentals) into a FTC. There are two items that need to be addressed separately: air tickets and travel protection.

What are the conditions of the Land FTC?

  1. Land FTCs must be utilized by the same travel agent and passengers by December 31, 2021
  2. Land FTCs can be used for any Avanti destination
  3. Land FTCs have no cash value and any unused portion will not be refunded
  4. Land FTCs must be redeemed on a single booking.

Note: Acceptance of a Land FTC may affect the amount awarded under a cancel-for-any-reason claim.

If a client is not interested in a Land FTC, then our standard cancellation policy will be applied.

How can TAs communicate with Avanti regarding changes to bookings affected by the COVID-19?

To request a Land Future Travel Credit - effective Monday, March 16, 2020:

You can call us at 800-422-5053 to speak to a Travel Consultant Monday-Friday 6:30am – 5:30pm PT. Or email us at

To cancel a booking and request a refund:

Email us at To expedite the process, Travel Advisors should include the Avanti booking number and the US departure date in the email subject line. Please note that standard cancellation fees will be applied.

Useful Links

Please note for group travel, the above is not applicable and needs to be looked at a case by case basis. Please contact our group department at (888) 606-7260 for further details.

Best regards,

Mark Grundy
Chief Operating Officer

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